자산 1
  • Nucleic Acid Prep (Auto) > DNA

    WizMag™ Cell/Tissue DNA

    The WizMag™ Cell/Tissue DNA kit is designed for the CLEO™ AP16 Nucleic Acid Extractor System for simple and easy DNA purification from various biological sources including animal cultured cells, bacterial cells, and animal tissues. Purified DNA is free of enzyme inhibitors and other contaminants and highly suited for downstream applications such as PCR-based or enzyme-based reactions.

    Cat No. Package 가격(원) Note
    W7040 64 prep 360,000 16 prep/run
    W7041 192 prep 920,000
    W7042 32 prep 206,000 1-8 prep/run
    W7043 96 prep 527,000