자산 1
  • Nucleic Acid Prep (Auto) > DNA

    WizMag™ Soil DNA

    The WizMag™ Soil DNA kit is designed to be used on the CLEO™ AP16 Nucleic Acid Extractor System for simple and easy purification of total DNA from soil samples including clay, sand, and silt. This kit utilizes the silica and zirconia beads for the disruption of bacterial or fungal cell walls in the sample and the bead beating can be performed on any disrupting device which has a 2 mL tube-holding adapter including a conventional vortex machine. Purified DNA is free of enzyme inhibitors (mainly humic acids) and other contaminants, and highly suited for downstream applications such as PCR-based or enzyme-based reactions.

    Cat No. Package 가격(원) Note
    W7190 64 prep 403,000 16 prep/run
    W7191 192 prep 1,132,000
    W7192 32 prep 237,000 1-8 prep/run
    W7193 96 prep 643,000