자산 1
  • Real-time PCR

    WizPure™ qPCR Master (Super Green)

    WizPure™ qPCR Master (Super Green) is an optimized ready-to-use solution for real-time quantitative PCR assays, incorporating Super Green dye. It comprises all the components necessary to perform qPCR: antibody-mediated hot-start Taq DNA Polymerase, ultrapure dNTPs, MgCl2, Super Green, enhancer, and stabilizer. The user simply needs to add water, template, and primers. Hot start DNA Polymerase is activated by a 5 minutes incubation step at 95°C. This prevents the extension of nonspecifically annealed primers and primer-dimers formed at low temperatures during qPCR setup. 
    The kit includes the components necessary for performing PCR amplification and has been successfully used to amplify and detect a variety of DNA targets such as genomic DNA, cDNA, and plasmid DNA.